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Sierlijke orchidee met spinvormige bloemen, uit onze Brassia collectie | Inca Orchids

An unusual appearance with long, graceful, slightly curling flower ribbons. Brassia is also called 'spider orchid' or 'dancing lady'. This orchid is native to Central and South America and grows as an Epiphyte on trees, among other things. You can find this orchid in the humid lowlands, up to higher in the mountains. This makes it a true survivor and a strong orchid.

Spectaculaire orchidee met spinvormige bloemen: Brassia Toscane | Inca Orchids
Spectaculaire orchidee met spinvormige bloemen: Brassia Toscane | Inca Orchids


  • Extraordinary large spider-shaped flower, also called dancing lady
  • Fragrant
  • Bratonia